Monday, February 27, 2017

How to Choose the Best Lightweight Stroller

Strollers are must-haves for moms and dads. Since these are basic parenting gears, parents should know the hows and the considerations in choosing what kind of stroller to buy. There are bulky strollers and lightweight ones. Bulky strollers are often used in the early months of the infant, since these have more features that could support the baby. However, as babies grow their needs change as well. This is where the best lightweight stroller 2017 comes in the picture.

There are different types of strollers manufactured to meet and cater to the various needs of babies. Standard-sized strollers are usually for babies less than six months old. They come in various designs with heavy padding and reclining seats. Its orientation can be changed too. You can have the baby facing you or the other way around.

Car seat strollers, on the other hand, are designed to carry infants on the back seat of the car. This is best for travelling and road trips. You can easily load the car seat frame and attach it into a stroller for walking trips and grocery shopping. This is very convenient for transferring a sleeping baby from the car into the stroller. This type of stroller is also for infants less than six months old.

Lightweight strollers, often referred to as umbrella stroller, are the most in demand type of stroller in the market today. Since these are made of lightweight but durable materials, lightweight strollers can handle the weight of your baby and are easier to carry around for the parents too!

How do you pick the best lightweight stroller for your baby? Here are a few points to consider:
  • How old is your baby? The age of the baby is a major consideration in picking which stroller to buy. Most lightweight strollers are manufactured for babies with age ranging from nine months to 3 years old. However, there are now lightweight umbrella strollers that are especially manufactured to accommodate the needs of a baby aged below nine months. The stroller should be fit and designed for the age of the baby that it will carry since an infant has far more complicated needs than a toddler.
  • What is your budget range? Parents are more likely to give their child the best of everything. However, try not to invest in luxury strollers that you know you will no longer be using after three months. To be wise, your price range should be reasonable enough to buy a lightweight stroller that is durable and could last for a long time. Invest your hard-earned money on something that is worth it. 
  • Where do you plan to use the stroller? Most lightweight strollers are designed to run across smooth, even terrain. Some are made for mountain hikes and rugged terrains. Know where you will most likely be using the stroller so you can buy one that suits your needs. 
  • What are the features you and your baby need most? Features make each lightweight stroller different and unique from others of the same class. If you plan to take the baby to shopping most of the time, then the stroller should have a storage bin under the seat; or if you are just planning for a little stroll around the village, then you can have one that does not have a storage bin.

Aside from the features, you should also check the essentials of the stroller. The best lightweight stroller 2017 should be made of durable frames that can handle the weight of the baby. The buckles should be secure enough to hold the baby and keep him from falling but easy for the parents to unbuckle. Moreover, its tires should be equipped with brakes to keep the stroller from continuously running unnecessarily. Plus, its tires should be firm and sturdy. To check, kick the tires of the stroller and see to it that they did not get loose. The height of the handles should be perfect for the one who manoeuvres the stroller. Most lightweight strollers are designed to fit an average woman’s size. Thus, this is a big problem for tall dads. As a solution, they can buy aftermarket add-ons like handle extenders to make the stroller easier to use.


The best lightweight stroller 2017 is one that meets your needs at your desired price range. There are really products that are right for you and your baby so do take the time to research on the points to be considered as mentioned above.

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